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Welcome to
Our Foundation!

Our Mission 

Here at FI 89, we believe that an individuals dream of walking into their future dream home, passions, goals, visions, and even business all begin with the foundation. Without their being one established, there can be no completion of the latter. Life is just a staircase of steps one has to climb up to obtain their dreams and passions. Along the way we have been molded by people, happy and sad times, which were all the ingredients that helped us become the person we are today. So, here at FI 89, we take those dreams and life ingredients to help you build a foundation that will last for generations to come. We strive to remove the uncertainty of life and inspire a world to dare and dream again!

High Fives
Image by Savannah Wakefield

Who We Help

How We Do It

What's in It for You

We accomplish this through careful planning that is tailored to your goals-specific needs with a tracking system to ensure you don't miss a thing.

We want to fix the problem of not knowing how to achieve your goals. By doing so we aim to assist anyone or business who has a vision, goal, or dream to bring it to life.


Peace of mind! Knowing that you have a clear plan for moving forward.

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